Primary TET 2022 Class – 18 English pedagogy
Primary TET 2022 Class – 18 English pedagogy
Primary TET 2022 Class – 18 |
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আজ আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এসেছে Primary TET 2022 Class – 18 English pedagogy , যেখানে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ প্রাইমারি টেট ২০২২ পর্ব – 18 English pedagogy এর উপর ৩০ টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন-উত্তর আপনাদের সামনে Mock Test Formate এ পিডিএফ আকারে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে,
এই তালিকার মধ্যে What is Language , What does cloze mean, Which is the last stage of writing ইত্যাদি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্যাদি অতি সংক্ষেপে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে , যেগুলি পরবর্তী যেকোনো পশ্চিমবঙ্গ প্রাইমারি টেট প্রিপারেশন নেওয়া ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে কাজে লাগবে।
এই সম্পূর্ণ বিস্তারিত আলোচনা বিবরণ শুধুমাত্র আপনাদের সুবিধার্থে আপনাদের সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে PDF আকারে প্রদান করছে যাতে আপনারা যে কোন চাকরির প্রস্তুতি খুব সহজেই অনলাইনে নিতে পারেন। তাই অবশ্যই এর সঙ্গে যুক্ত থাকুন আমাদের উৎসাহিত করুন আরো নতুন নতুন এ ধরনের জেনারেল নলেজ এবং স্টাডি মেটেরিয়ালস যাতে আপনাদের দিতে পারি এবং ফলো রাখুন প্রতি পদক্ষেপে।
English pedagogy
01. A language is __
A) A board term simply referring to human patterned verbal
behaviour in general.
B) A set of specific For
generating speech.
C) Another word for a dialect
D) A pidgin
02. Which one of the following
methods is suggest for teaching grammar
at primary level ?
A) Translation method
B) Detective method
C) Text book method
D) Inductive method
03. Iconic mode of learning is best
on the system of using .
A) Different types on grap
B) A variety of activities
C) Symbols
D) Image and diagrams
04. While reading for comprehension,
we understand that some pairs are example of homograph. Which one of the
following is a homograph.
A) Mail [ post]Mail [gender]
B) Warm/ tepid [ being neither too hot nor too cold]
C) Lead [metal] Lead[ Give
D) Lead [ Give direction ] dead [ mortal]
05. According to the language
teaching expert the early education of child should be in __ .
A) The first language
B)Second language
C)The foreign language
D) Multi language.
06. Flower and Hayes regarded which
one of the following skills as problem creating and solving skill .
A) Writing
B) Listening
C) Speaking
D) Reading
A) assessing
B) Finishing
C) Missing part
D) Close
08. Which is the last stage of writing ?
A) Advance writing
B) Controlled writing
C) Guided writing
D) Free writing
09. Which is not guiding principle
of NCF 2005 ?
A) Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.
B) Ensuring children providing
job opportunity.
C) Ensuring learning shifted away from the route methods.
D) Making examination more fixable
10. Identify the statement which is
not true ?
A) English is the most widely spoken language in the world.
B) Learning English is important for pursuing higher
C) English brides the gap between speakers of different
mother tongue.
D) English hardly finds it’s
place at the centre of all international activities.
11. Reading stories, novels, comics
and cartoons facilities _ reading.
A) Intensive
B) Extensive
C) Loud
D) Shadow
12. In continuous comprehensive
evolution the teacher tries to _.
A) Find out to what extent the
learning objectives are achieved.
B) Make the learner assess the teacher.
C) Identify the special needs of the learners in a group.
D) Make the learner by cramming Lerner.
13. The procedure of alphabetic
method is –
A) Letter – word – phrase – paragraph
B) Letters – word – phrase –
C) Words – phrase – sentence – paragraphs
D) Letters – Words – sentence – paragraph
14. You ask, what has my government
done for you ? I can answer in to words
a lot !
A) Explanatory
B) Rhetorical
C) Stylized
D) A prompt
15. According to the observation
Hindi national curriculum framework 2005 English is a __ language in India.
A) Global
C) First
D) Second
16. Home language is a __ in a
natural way.
A) Taught
B) Promoted
C) Acquired
D) Learnt
17. Which of the following is not
true while teaching the learners in there mother tong at primary level.
A) It is helpful in the
intellectual development of the child.
B) It helps children in learning in a natural environment.
C) It develops self-confidence in the child.
D) It makes learning easy.
18. An intonation may not be a __
A) Loud
B) Sliding
C) Rising
D) Falling
19. Communicative language teaching
lays emphasis on –
A) Writing
B) Grammatical competency
C) Language use
D) From
20. Sight word is a vocabulary item
A) That helps in judging the effectiveness of the author
B) That needs proper visual understanding of the context.
C) That is to be learnt by
D) That the reader recognizes find meaningful on sight
withon a complicated analysis.
21. The best time to learn a second
language is an__
A) Early childhood
B) Junior school
C) Senior secondary school
D) College
22. Verbal communication means –
A) Sending a message in words
including writing.
B) Informal communication
C) Exact Limited message the speaker wants to convey.
D) Actual words says.
23. Metalinguistic awareness is –
A)The ability to thinks and talk
about language.
B) The ability to connect the disconnective sounds in words
to letter.
C) Understanding for the mapping principal between sounds
and meaning.
D) The ability to recognise writing for other visual marks.
24. Which skills are receptive ?
A) Listening and speaking
B) Listening and reading
C) Reading and writing
D) Writing and speaking
25. Find out the function word from
the following word.
A) Handsome
B) And
C) Seizing
D) Champion
26. What do you mean by review ?
A) Assessment
B) Guess
C) Evaluation
D) Critical evolution
27. Riya is a teacher of class 2, is
presenting language item in her instruction and the learners are doing exactly
as she is telling them to do. What is she practising.
A) Communicative language method.
B) Total physical response.
C) Direct method
D) Audio-lingual method
28. Content words are called –
A) Functors
B) Empty word
C) Grammatical word
D) Lexical word
29. Which of the following helps in
learning the second language without using the printed text ?
A) Situational approach
B) Natural approach
C) Language impression
D) Grammar translation method
30. While teaching language to
learners, a teacher should teach –
A) In a integrated manner
B)By given instruction
C) Through imitation
D) In isolation
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